“Everyone needs a hobby.” - Tony Stark (Iron Man 3)

Malaysia Prayer Time app
Open-source prayer time application for Malaysian to quickly view their solah time. Azan will be played during prayer time. Other useful features including monthly prayer timetable, qibla compass, tasbih and many more.

One single link for all your other links. Suitable for marketing, Instagram's bio, and even for sharing among your family and friends. Take your Flutree wherever your audience is, to help them to discover all your important content.

IIUM Schedule
Automatic schedule generator for IIUM students. From i-Malu'um/prereg to the schedule. Available for Android, Windows and Web

Tarbawi 2.0
Test your child a basic Islamic knowledge with quiz game.

People in Space
Know who are currently on the earth orbit now! Apps available for Android and Web. API is available to use.

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KOEWayfinder - AR Navigation App
A Final Year Project (FYP) to complete my bachelor degree. The project aims to address the challenges of indoor navigation within faculty building by using Augmented Reality technology. Utlizes SuperPoint & SuperGlue algorithm to build localization pipeline.

Smart Trash Bin
An Integrated Design Project (IDP) project. Some features including: Interactive trash level indicator, notification through Telegram, hand sensor, automatic lid etc. Also comes with a mobile app to view realtime status of the bin.

IoT Weather Station
DIY Weather Station that will keep track of the weather and notify you when it is time to pick up your clothes from cloths line. An Industrial Automation project.

Parcel Safety Box
Protect your parcel from thief in a PIN-protected slot. Receiver can unlock the slot using PIN that has been send to Telegram. An Engineering Ethics project.

Motivate Us Bot
Telegram bot to get your study and Islamic motivations